- Related Resources
- For College and University Educators
- For Families
- For Adults
- For K-12 Educators
Related Resources
Berger, Maurice. For All the World to See: Visual Culture and the Struggle for Civil Rights (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2010)
Selected Bibliography For University Courses
For All the World To See: Visual Culture and the Struggle for Civil Rights
Online Film Festival
For All the World To See: Film and the Struggle for Civil Rights
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For College and University Educators
Selected Bibliography For University Courses
For All the World To See: Visual Culture and the Struggle for Civil Rights
The artifacts, concepts, and events explored in For All the World To See lend themselves to a broad range of academic study and disciplines, both on the undergraduate and graduate level. Study areas include: African American studies; American history; American studies; art and cultural history; civil rights history; communications; critical race studies; gender studies; history of photography; media studies; museum studies; race and whiteness studies; sociology; studio art; television and film history; and visual literacy. This bibliography offers selected readings, organized by medium or study area, meant to facilitate university teaching based on the content of For All the World To See.
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For Families
Segregation Signs
Designed for families with younger children, this activity invites viewers to observe and analyze a series of racial segregation signs. Children ask adults to talk about their own memories or family stories of seeing these signs or other items that reinforced segregation and racism. Family members consider personal experiences of prejudice and racism. The family will talk about race, civil rights, history, and the power of images to change the course of history.
Changing Pictures of African Americans
American civil rights activist W. E. B. Du Bois wrote that in 1910, the year he founded the illustrated The Crisis magazine for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, pictures of African Americans “were an innovation” in popular culture. This activity will explore how visual depictions of African-Americans, including portraits, snap shots and illustrations, defied that practice and challenged racial prejudice, throughout the twentieth century, and especially during the period of the modern civil rights movement.
Changing Pictures of African Americans
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For Adults
Exploring the Culture of the Civil Rights Movement
This is a series of activities designed for book clubs, community groups or groups of friends who will experience the exhibition either online or at one of the physical venues around the United States. The activities 1) establish a dialog, and 2) help viewers interpret civil rights documents to evaluate their impact during this vital period in American history.
Exploring the Culture of the Civil Rights Movement
Publishing Emmett Till: How Can a Single Image Change the World?
In 1955 Emmett Till, an African American teenager from Chicago, was murdered in Mississippi. This activity explores how a photograph of his mutilated corpse was distributed to the media by his mother and published by African-American periodicals. It asks participants to consider: who did and did not publish the image of Till’s body? Who saw and did not see the graphic evidence of this event? What impact did the image have on viewers and ultimately on the future of the civil rights movement?
Publishing Emmett Till: How a Single Image Changed the World
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For K-12 Educators
Visual Images as Evidence or Tools of Persuasion in the Civil Rights Movement: A Self-Guided Professional Development Workshop for Educators
In this workshop, educators will examine civil rights events, even shocking and violent ones, and how the resulting images allowed the nation to see the unvarnished reality of a problem it had either ignored or did not want to see. Teachers will explore the way powerful and graphic images, especially from magazines and TV news, were used as evidence and ultimately as tools of persuasion and inspiration in the struggle for civil rights.
Visual Images as Evidence or Tools of Persuasion in the Civil Rights Movement
Portable Art Fan Activity: Creating Objects that Fight Prejudice [Grades K-5]
During the civil rights movement, people used portable art to express their beliefs and opinions. They wore buttons decorated with slogans or pictures of civil rights leaders. They carried key chains, pamphlets, and fans with pictures or slogans relating to civil rights. They did this to show that they thought equality for all people was important. Students will study portable art from the exhibition or website and then create and decorate their own fan.
Comparing and Contrasting “Jim Crow” and Emory Douglas [Grades 5-12]
This activity invites students to compare and contrast images of African Americans in two periods: in the years leading up to and in the last decade of the civil rights movement. It explores how representations of African Americans changed over time. Through these changing portrayals it analyzes how images can shape identity and attitudes.
Comparing and Contrasting “Jim Crow” and Emory Douglas
Image and Object Analysis Worksheet [Grades 5-12]
Use the Image and Object Analysis Worksheet in conjunction with the lesson plans and activities provided on the For All the World to See website, or along with the Compare and Contrast Worksheet to study individual items in this exhibition.
Image and Object Analysis Worksheet
Compare and Contrast Worksheet [Grades 5-12]
Use the Compare and Contrast Worksheet In conjunction with the lesson plans and activities provided on the For All the World to See website, or along with the Image and Object Analysis Worksheet to study individual items in this exhibition.
Compare and Contrast Worksheet
Visual Culture Before, During and After the Civil Rights Movement [Grades 9-12]
This three-part unit examines the role that visual culture played in the civil rights movement. Most students and teachers have studied the documentary nature of images in this period, but this is an opportunity to look at images as agents of persuasion and inspiration that were used in support of and in opposition to the civil rights movement.
Visual Culture Before, During and After the Civil Rights Movement